Results for 'Anderson Núñez Fernandez'

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  1.  11
    Book Review: Contested Spaces: Abortion Clinics, Women's Shelters and Hospitals. [REVIEW]Cora Fernandez Anderson - 2015 - Feminist Review 111 (1):e19-e20.
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    Engaging key stakeholders to overcome barriers to studying the quality of research ethics oversight.Holly Fernandez Lynch, Swapnali Chaudhari, Brooke Cholka, Barbara E. Bierer, Megan Singleton, Jessica Rowe, Ann Johnson, Kimberley Serpico, Elisa A. Hurley & Emily E. Anderson - 2023 - Research Ethics 19 (1):62-77.
    The primary purpose of Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) is to protect the rights and welfare of human research participants. Evaluation and measurement of how IRBs satisfy this purpose and other important goals are open questions that demand empirical research. Research on IRBs, and the Human Research Protection Programs (HRPPs) of which they are often a part, is necessary to inform evidence-based practices, policies, and approaches to quality improvement in human research protections. However, to date, HRPP and IRB engagement in empirical (...)
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    Why nature matters: A systematic review of intrinsic, instrumental, and relational values.A. Himes, B. Muraca, C. B. Anderson, S. Athayde, T. Beery, M. Cantú-Fernández, D. González-Jiménez, R. K. Gould, A. P. Hejnowicz, J. Kenter, D. Lenzi, R. Murali, U. Pascual, C. Raymond, A. Ring, K. Russo, A. Samakov, S. Stålhammar, H. Thorén & E. Zent - 2024 - BioScience 74 (1).
    In this article, we present results from a literature review of intrinsic, instrumental, and relational values of nature conducted for the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, as part of the Methodological Assessment of the Diverse Values and Valuations of Nature. We identify the most frequently recurring meanings in the heterogeneous use of different value types and their association with worldviews and other key concepts. From frequent uses, we determine a core meaning for each value type, which is (...)
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    Using Fictive Narrative to Teach Ethics/Philosophy.Michael Boylan, Felicia Nimue Ackerman, Gabriel Palmer-Fernandez, Sybol Cook Anderson & Edward Spence - 2011 - Teaching Ethics 12 (1):61-94.
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    Institutional Review Board Use of Outside Experts: A National Survey.Kimberley Serpico, Vasiliki Rahimzadeh, Luke Gelinas, Lauren Hartsmith, Holly Fernandez Lynch & Emily E. Anderson - 2022 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 13 (4):251-262.
    Background Institutional review board (IRB) expertise is necessarily limited by maintaining a manageable board size. IRBs are therefore permitted by regulation to rely on outside experts for review. However, little is known about whether, when, why, and how IRBs use outside experts.Methods We conducted a national survey of U.S. IRBs to characterize utilization of outside experts. Our study uses a descriptive, cross-sectional design to understand how IRBs engage with such experts and to identify areas where outside expertise is most frequently (...)
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    Perspectives on Digital Competencies in University: What’s Ahead for Education?Yersi-Luis Huamán-Romaní, Jessica Paola Palacios Garay, Edgar Gutierrez Gómez, Pedro Enrique Zata Pupuche, Manuel Octavio Fernández Atho & Anderson Núñez Fernandez - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 21 (1):187-198.
    Digital competencies were part of online education and now when returning to the classroom what will happen or what we expect for the future in education. The objective is to analyze and describe the perspectives of the level of digital competence, the non-experimental descriptive quantitative methodology is used with 1987 university students. Resulting that the instrument adapted to the Peruvian version is adequate according to statistics such as Cronbach's Alpha. Concluding that the digital competences improved the academic quality and have (...)
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    A Call for Radical Transparency regarding Research Payments.Emily E. Anderson & Brandon Brown - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (3):45-47.
    In the target article “Promoting Ethical Payment in Human Infection Challenge Studies,” Fernandez Lynch et al. call for more information sharing about research payment amounts to study parti...
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  8. La autoconciencia y el poder del" Selbst" como reconocimiento necesario.José Manuel Sánchez Fernández - 2010 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 15 (cialidad y subjetividad humanas):327-335.
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    Deacons: Band-aid or Bounty?Jane Anderson - 2005 - The Australasian Catholic Record 82 (2):178.
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  10. Ethics in Linguistic Space and the Challenge of Morality.John Peter Anderson - 2000 - Dissertation, University of Virginia
    For Kant and his followers, pure reason can be practical, and its substantive practical command is, broadly speaking, that we treat ourselves and others as worthy of respect as free and equal. If those who have defended the Kantian morality system are correct, this moral imperative will not be authoritative and inescapable simply because we don't know how to coherently reweave our practical commitments so as to leave it out, but because it is presupposed by the possibility of practical reason. (...)
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  11. Marriage equality, marriage reality.Ryan T. Anderson - 2019 - In David S. Dockery & John Stonestreet, Life, marriage, and religious liberty: what belongs to God, what belongs to Caesar. New York, NY: Fidelis Books.
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  12. Antinomia.José Miguel Sagüillo Fernández-Vega - 2011 - In Luis Vega and Paula Olmos, Compendio de Lógica, Argumentación y Retórica. [Madrid]: Editorial Trotta.
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    Reseñas varias.Óscar Cubo Ugarte, Iker Martínez Fernández, Manuel Suances Marcos, Yashiro Díaz Rivera, Leopoldo José Prieto López, Adrián Bueno Junquero, Ricardo Cueva Fernández, Guillem Sales Vilalta, Pablo Montosa & Martí Clua Torres - 2020 - Endoxa 45:261.
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    Saba Bazargan-Forward & Samuel C. Rickless (eds.): The Ethics of War: Essays: New York: Oxford University Press, 2017. Hardback (9780199376148) £59.00. 304 Pp.Isaac Anderson Wagner - 2020 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 23 (1):265-267.
    This review of the book The Ethics of War: Essays provides a general description of the book and some brief commentary on several of its chapters.
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    Subjectivity and alterity, alterity and the other.Nicole Anderson - unknown
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    La Monarquía Española y América. Filosofía política de la Corona según la Legislación y el pensamiento de Las Casas, Vitoria y Julián Marías.Enrique González Fernández - 2021 - Madrid: Fundación Universitaria Española.
    Ante la gravedad de la mentira, causante de todos los males, difundida desde hace muchas décadas en el Mundo Hispánico, este libro, con la fuerza del conocimiento de la verdad, pretende orientar a ese mismo mundo hacia su estabilidad, su concordia y su libertad, puestas hoy en peligro por tantas falsedades. Lo hace principalmente mostrando cómo la Corona Española, desde 1493, ordenaba tratar "muy bien y amorosamente a los indios", los cuales siempre encontraron en ella su principal bienhechora y, por (...)
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    La guerra interna de Marx. Análisis de su intento por superar la teleología de la historia desde sus reflexiones sobre la periferia del mercado mundial capitalista.Carlos Maximiliano Macías Fernández - 2019 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 40 (121).
    En los estudios de Marx sobre el modo de producción específicamente capitalista en la periferia, más allá de Europa occidental, encontramos un doble movimiento: sus estudios históricos configuran todo un campo de tensiones en el que podemos examinar sus posiciones políticas y teóricas entrecruzadas con los cambios y las contradicciones históricas del siglo xix. Analizando las opiniones de Marx sobre la cuestión colonial y la cuestión nacional en casos tan variados como los de India, América Latina, China, Irlanda, Polonia o (...)
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    La contribución de la teología comparada al debate sobre la teología de las religiones.José Ramón Matito Fernández - 2015 - Salmanticensis 62 (2):173-210.
    parada se ha pre-sentado como una de las gran-des alternativas a la teología de las religiones. Esta idea surge debido al bloqueo que sufrió el triple paradigma promovido por el ‘esquema tipológico’ dentro de la teología de las religiones. Para los teólogos comparatistas esa forma concreta de teología de las religiones no logró respon-der adecuadamente a la necesa-ria tensión que debe mantenerse entre las particularidades cons-titutivas de cada tradición reli-giosa y la apertura dialogante y el aprecio auténtico hacia las otras (...)
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  19. Evangelización liberadora de la Merced en América.Luis Vazquez Fernandez - 2006 - Ciencia Tomista 133 (2):295-314.
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    Peace.Wendy Anderson Halperin - 2013 - Atheneum Books for Young Readers.
    Illustrated with sumptuously detailed panel-style artwork and based on the Eastern philosophies of the Tao Te Ching, a lyrical picture book explores the eternal question of how to promote world peace and shares inspiring quotes from famous peacemakers while counseling readers on how to find peace within oneself.
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    Dropout by Design: Advance Planning for Research Participant Noncompliance.Toby Schonfeld & James Anderson - 2011 - American Journal of Bioethics 11 (4):18-20.
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    It's a long way from amphioxus: descendants of the earliest chordate.Jordi Garcia-Fernàndez & Èlia Benito-Gutiérrez - 2009 - Bioessays 31 (6):665-675.
    The origin of chordates and the consequent genesis of vertebrates were major events in natural history. The amphioxus (lancelet) is now recognised as the closest extant relative to the stem chordate and is the only living invertebrate that retains a vertebrate‐like development and body plan through its lifespan, despite more than 500 million years of independent evolution from the stem vertebrate. The inspiring data coming from its recently sequenced genome confirms that amphioxus has a prototypical chordate genome with respect to (...)
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    O fundamento da liberdade humana em santo Tomás de aquino.Anderson Machado R. Alves - 2011 - Synesis 3 (2):1-18.
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    A Correction.J. G. C. Anderson - 1921 - The Classical Review 35 (1-2):44-.
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    Artistic Freedom in Kant and Hegel.Travis T. Anderson - 2015 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 22 (1):67-79.
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  26. Alleviating World Suffering: The Challenge of Negative Quality of Life.Ronald E. Anderson (ed.) - 2017 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This is the first volume on the subject of the alleviation of world suffering. At the same time it is also the first book framing the fields of global socio-economic development, world health, human rights, peace studies, sustainability, and poverty within the challenge of alleviating suffering and improving quality of life. Both international studies and global development have become specialized and fragmented, whereas this work assembles all of these development fragments together in order to determine whether common ground exists to (...)
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    Between the Sheets (Part I).Myrdene Anderson - 1991 - Semiotics:259-263.
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    Call for responses.Lynley Anderson & Nikki Cunningham - 2005 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 2 (1):57-57.
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    Conversations on Peirce: reals and ideals.Douglas R. Anderson (ed.) - 2012 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    The essays in this book have grown out of conversations between the authors and their colleagues and students over the last decade and a half.
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    Cosmic Religion.Douglas R. Anderson - 1989 - Newsletter of the Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy 17 (53):8-9.
  31. Embodied Cognition: The teenage years. A review of Gallagher, S. (2005). How.Michael L. Anderson - unknown
    Embodied Cognition is growing up, and How the Body Shapes the Mind is both a sign of, and substantive contributor to this ongoing development. Born in or about 1991, EC is only now emerging from a tumultuous but exciting childhood marked in particular by the size and breadth of the extended family hoping to have some impact on its early education and upbringing. As family members include computer science, phenomenology, developmental and cognitive psychology, analytic philosophy of mind, linguistics, neuroscience, and (...)
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  32. Food and sex.M. Anderson - 1988 - Semiotica 72 (3-4):361-374.
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  33. Failing One's Obligations: Defectiveness in Rumantsch Reflexes of DEBERE.Stephen R. Anderson - 2010 - In Anderson Stephen R., Defective Paradigms: Missing Forms and What They Tell Us. pp. 19.
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  34. Fixed-duration treatment shocks, feedback, cs preexposure, and fear-wheres the cognition.Dc Anderson, Cr Crowell, Nr Boyd & J. Torrez - 1991 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 29 (6):527-527.
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    Health care ethics: a guide for decision makers.Gary R. Anderson & Valerie A. Glesnes-Anderson (eds.) - 1987 - Rockville, Md.: Aspen Publishers.
    The purpose of this book is to assist health care professionals in understanding some of the complex contemporary issues that they confront and to provide guidance in making decisions. These issues are described and analyzed in the context of philosophical principles and methods in language that is understandable to the professional who is unfamiliar with the study of philosophy and ethics. -from Preface.
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    How we will Discover Sentience in AI.Marc Anderson - unknown
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    (1 other version)Ii. the status of logic.John Anderson - 1939 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 17 (2):164 – 169.
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  38. Juicio reflexionante, superstición y escepticismo.Abraham Anderson - 1996 - Dianoia 42 (42):145-154.
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  39. Lekythion and autolekythos.Graham Anderson - 1981 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 101:130-132.
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    Business ethics:: perspectives, management and issues.Cam Caldwell & Verl A. Anderson (eds.) - 2020 - Hauppauge: Nova Science Publishers.
    Recent evidence readily confirms that ethical conduct in human interaction has declined in the context of business, but also in virtually every phase of life. An alarming number of government leaders at all levels have demonstrated by their conduct that their primary goal is the pursuit of self-interest for themselves, their party, and their constituents - regardless of whether the choices they make are in the long-term best interests of those whom they are obligated to serve. Academic institutions and their (...)
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  41. The Negro Potential.Eli Ginzberg, James K. Anderson, Douglas W. Bray & Robert W. Smuts - 1956 - Science and Society 20 (4):361-364.
  42. Why Lawyers Derail Justice: Probing the Roots of Legal Injustices.John C. Anderson - 1999
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  43. Mental Health Services in USA: Policies and Programs—What can India Learn from Western Models?Jagannathan Srinivasaraghavan, Antony Fernandez & Anand K. Pandurangi - 2014 - In Adarsh Tripathi & Jitendra Kumar Trivedi, Mental Health in South Asia: Ethics, Resources, Programs and Legislation. Dordrecht: Springer.
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    Antonio Consejero: documento vivo de la realidad humana.José Fernández Tejada - forthcoming - The Xavier Zubiri Review.
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  45. Methodology and Statistics in Single‐Subject Experiments.Norman H. Anderson - 2002 - In J. Wixted & H. Pashler, Stevens' Handbook of Experimental Psychology. Wiley.
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    Making a Way Out of No Way: a Womanist Theology.Victor Anderson - 2011 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 32 (3):268-271.
    Monica A. Coleman achieves remarkable rigor in bringing together in one volume her long-standing interests in process philosophy and theology, womanist theology and ethics, African diaspora studies, West African religions, and African American women’s literature. Making a way out of No Way (2008) is a tour de force in contemporary African American constructive theology and especially in womanist discourse on the religious experience(s) of African American women. Coleman insists on understanding black women’s religious experience through the lens of their complex (...)
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    Ovid: Dichter und Werk (review).William Scovil Anderson - 1998 - American Journal of Philology 119 (4):651-655.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Ovid: Dichter und WerkWilliam S. AndersonNiklas Holzberg. Ovid: Dichter und Werk. Munich: C. H. Beck, 1997. 218 pp. Cloth, DM 48, SFr 44.50, ÖS 350.Looking at the dust cover of this volume, which features a Pompeiian wall painting with an impetuous satyr tightly grasping a nude, buxom, and resistant female, a reader might be led to expect a conventionally shallow literary biography of Ovid, the poet of erotic (...)
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  48. Prophecy Girl and the Powers That Be: The Philosophy of Religion in the Buffyverse.Wendy Love Anderson - 2003 - In James B. South, Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Philosophy: Fear and Trembling in Sunnydale. Chicago: Open Court.
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    Realism and Idealism in Peirce’s Cosmogony.Douglas R. Anderson - 1992 - International Philosophical Quarterly 32 (2):185-192.
    Peirce's cosmogony involves an apparent tension concerning the statusof initial ideas. They appear both dependent and independent. Peirce appears to resolve this tension, maintaining elements of both his realism and his idealism in his cosmogony, by asserting that God serves as a necessary condition for the reality of the initial ideas and by holding, through his agapasticism, that the ideas, as firsts, retain an element of spontaneity or freedom. From another angle, it is plausible to suggest that for Peirce God (...)
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  50. Scientific Creationism and Its Critique of Evolution.V. Elving Anderson - 1983 - In J. Peter Zetterberg, Evolution versus Creationism: the public education controversy. Phoenix, AZ: Oryx Press. pp. 235.
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